Do I really need to be doing this?
About 4-5 years ago, being a new and newly single techno geekster, I created a webpage. It was my own place that I created with my own domain name; full of pictures, and so forth.
It had a volatile life. I wrote about movies, nonsense, things about growing up at home, and ultimately politics and current events. That latter of which got me in trouble. I ultimately stopped writing it because it became not so fun. See, I set up a hotmail account with a nifty little icon that you could click on to email me with. Somehow through webrings, my page got passed around and some right wing wacko's saw my rants. I had threats, nasty notes, etc.... The main topics of ire were guns, gays, and the confederate flag. The latter of which got the most vicious response at the time. The burning issue at the time was the flag flying over the S. Carolina statehouse; I wrote a piece about it being exclusivlely about bigotry and not the "heritage" these revisionists claimed it was. The next thing I knew, my website had a zillion hits and nasty emails came in. Oh WEELLLL.
I think now I've decided I don't give a damn about it and will write whatever the heck I want. So we'll see what happens with it as time goes on. I have a hunch it will be widely ignored for the most part.