Clark's rant and revelry page

Rambling about lots of things, from politics, humor, current events, sports and gay issues.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm an avid Razorback fan, love my family, love my friends, and have an opinion on just about everything. Oh, I'm gay too, get over it.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What peace could be solved in 30 days?

A co worker today mentioned a show that airs on FX tonight. I looked it up and quickly recognized the producer. It's called 30 days by Michael Spurlock. He became famous by living on McDonalds food only for 30 days and chronicling what it did to his health. Now he took that concept to more serious fare.

Apparently I've missed some good shows already. He put an Evangelical Christian who had problems with Muslims into a Muslim home for 30 days. This person lived, worshiped, ate, and slept with a Muslim family.

Tonight apparently is the gay night. They take homophobe ( who's hot, but I digress ), and put him in San Francisco's Castro district with a gay roommate. He essentially lives the gay life, joining a gay sports team, attending parties, bars, and joining a gay inclusive Christian church. He's from a fundamentalist background and is former Military. Quite a concept, huh? I will tivo it and perhaps report back if it's interesting enough.

This makes me think of the other things that could be done. There are limitless skits that could happen with that concept. On the serious side, you could put a Palestinian into an Israeli Jewish household in Israel and vice versa. I'd want the host familes to be representative of perhaps a Median statistical counterpart for the population. This way it's not skewed by anything. I wonder what would happen? Would they become friends and how would it change their views if at all?

Wouldn't it be great if we could put everyone into a 30 day crash course into another walk of life that they have issues with? Perhaps we could also put a flaming gay guy or butch lesbian into a fundamentalist household for a month; I don't know of any that would be so willing, but work with me here.


Blogger Kat said...

A lesbian in a fundamentalist household....sounds vaguely familiar...oh! That's right! That's my life! My parents are fundamentalists and I'm a lesbian...not a butch lesbian, but my gf is! My parents were missionaries as I was growing up and then Mom and Dad felt the Lord was leading them into the pastorate. He pastored mission churches for years and is now a chaplain for Dist 6 Fire Dept in Tacoma, WA. They are the poster couple for fundamentalism....

I've posted about some of this on my blog. Julie sent me...she thought we'd have a lot in common.

9:22 PM  

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