Clark's rant and revelry page

Rambling about lots of things, from politics, humor, current events, sports and gay issues.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm an avid Razorback fan, love my family, love my friends, and have an opinion on just about everything. Oh, I'm gay too, get over it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Internet Crap

Today, I'll vent on the internet about the internet. Make sense?

As some know, Chris and I broke things off so I'm single again. Well, wouldn't you know that I'd get the idea again ( I don't learn good) to do an internet profile on again among others. I've done it before and I know one person it's worked out for very well; they've been together for 3 years now.

Well, in person I can immediately tell if I'm attracted or interested. I need to be attracted somewhat to a person I'd consider dating. I could tell I thought Chris was someone I'd dig a bit because I could see his body language and cute face. It's always that way when you meet through friends or in a social setting. As I've said before, it may be a bit superficial, but I do think you should have some attraction. Then you can quickly discuss things and find out common interests. I like gaining knowledge of others viewpoints on some of my issues of the day. That's easy, because I have so many issues according to some of my friends that there is bound to be one that we can talk about :o)

Which brings me to the rant of the moment. Let's say hypothetically that you agree to meet one of these people. You look at some pictures that appear very attractive, and a list of interests that include all important sports team references, and hobbies like mountain biking, working out, etc....

Well, show me an attractive picture, and say your interests are those and I'll probably respond to it. Well, this happened and to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. Why do people fill out a profile as if it were a wish list? They think it sounds good to say they are a big sports fan because it looks good in print. But they don't know that the Tide is in Bama and the Razorbacks are in Arkansas, and they think Michael Jordan is playing for the Bulls right now. The pictures on this person's profile didn't look anything like him. I think the pics were either 8 years old or had some expert photoshop..

Well, I brushed him off. Then I felt bad about it. Now I don't. I think there was some intellectual dishonesty going on. We're not talking about small lies. This was a complete and wholesale makeover.

From talking to others, it is not uncommon for this to happen. So here's my message once and for all on the subject since it's a rather hot issue with me right now:

If someone says in a profile that they love cats, but hate dogs; well that's good information for me to know, I won't bother you; I have a dog. If someone says they are a smoker, I won't bother you. That's not being judgemental, but I don't smoke and wouldn't want to date someone who did. Why lie about it? I'm gonna figure it out. If you used pictures that are 10 yrs old. I will figure it out; I'm not blind. If you have a profile talking about mountain biking being a hobby, well I have mountain biked a lot of trails in N. Georgia around Elijay; I'll probably bring that up in conversation. It'd be nice if you knew there were trails in N. Georgia. If you tell me you love college football and I tell you I went to Arkansas, it would be nice if you didn't refer to us as the Sooners, unless you are close to them and could get Adrian Pederson to transfer to us.

OK, I feel better. I promise I'll not rant on all of these and I'll write something that 's lighter sometime. I at least do try to make my points with humor.


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