Clark's rant and revelry page

Rambling about lots of things, from politics, humor, current events, sports and gay issues.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm an avid Razorback fan, love my family, love my friends, and have an opinion on just about everything. Oh, I'm gay too, get over it.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Bad thoughts

Do you ever have thoughts pop into your head that bother you? I think everyone occasionally blurts something out of their mouth that is not well thought out; I could write an encyclopedia of times I've done that. But today I'm rambling about thoughts that jump into your head, no verbalization at all.

The thing that jumped into my head that made me do a double take on myself was a CNN blurb on Jerry Falwell. I loathe him and every right wing thing he stands for. I think he knows better and is a fake. He uses anything, especially gays, as a scare tactic to get his mostly poor white trash audience to send in money. Often this money is from simple folk who don't know better; people that probably live in a shell so to speak and listen to whatever the preacher man say. I'll leave the tele-tubbie thing alone for now, it speaks for itself.

The moment in question was a couple of weeks ago. I saw this blurb on CNN that said he was in critical condition the hospital. There was no conscious thought process going on, I just immediately thought to myself, "Oh Thank God, I hope he dies". Then I felt horrible for thinking that about anyone. It seems to me that a civilized, compassionate person that I aspire to be and like to think I am would not have a thought like that.

I guess there's no way to wrap it up in a bow. I don't want to be fake and say I decided that I wanted him to do well and preach on; I just felt bad about thinking that to begin with. Which of course brings one to the hypothetical question of "how much is it safe to hate someone?".


Blogger Julie said...

It hurts us to hate someone - it's like drinking poison and hoping it hurts the other person. but I struggle w/ that, esp w/ dubya. I really struggle b/c I see him as the anti christ.
But that being said, I too, we all do, have those thoughts - I have some resentment towards my uncle for various reasons (he wasn't there for my grandmother or his best friend on their death bed, etc) and when he was diagnosed w/ MS, my first thought was 'well you reap what you sew'.. then I said to myself how awful, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I think it's that immature non loving side to us that pops us and then if we redirect it, we are alright. I think it's just part of this this human vehicle we have.
sorry I haven't written in a while, I will soon, love and kisses, julie

11:51 AM  

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